EAFJD Leadership Academy : Youth Internship Program
Brussels, Belgium/ April 21-25
Are you 22-32 years old? Do you live in Europe? Are you a student? Do you speak Armenian and English? Are you interested in European politics and the protection of Armenian interests in Europe? Then this program is just for you!
The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy proudly offers European-Armenian youth a unique educational program with a rigid and rich agenda, based on a five-day program of lectures, political meetings and visits to European Institutions, during which participants will acquire knowledge in the following fields:
⚡Functions of the European Union
⚡European Political Life
⚡Priorities of the Armenian Cause
⚡RA-EU Relations
⚡RA-NATO Relations
⚡RA-Belgium Relations
⚡EU Positions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
⚡Defense of Armenian interests in Europe
⚡Armenian Diaspora of Belgium
⚡ Career opportunities for the youth in pan-European leadership structures and community life.
The participants will visit and have meetings in the European Parliament, the NATO headquarters, the RA’s Mission in the European Union, in community organizations and elsewhere.
To participate, you must fill in this submission form with the following:
- Motivational letter
- Enrollment Document or diploma confirming student status
The participation fee is 600 Euros, of which 30% as an advance payment must be made after the initial approval of the applicant. This sum includes overnight accommodation in Brussels, three meals a day, coffee breaks, transportation costs (in Brussels only).
At the end of the program, participants will get awarded with certificates.
For more information and to receive the full program, please contact contact@eafjd.eu.