You are currently viewing 33 MEPs call on the EU to urge Azerbaijan to withdraw forces from the Republic of Armenia
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At the initiative of the Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Loucas Fourlas, 33 MEPs addressed a letter to the EU High Representative Josep Borrell, concerning the attack of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia on November 16.

The MEPs condemn Azerbaijan’s aggression. They demand, that the Azerbaijani armed forces immediately and completely withdraw from the territory of the Republic of Armenia and are urge the EU External Action Service to put pressure on Azerbaijan to stop and prevent the violation of the territorial integrity of Armenia.

The President of the EAFJD Kaspar Karampetian welcomes the letter by the MEP’s. He states: “Unlike the EEAS’s declaration, the letter of the MEP’s clearly calls the aggressor by its name. The EU needs to put pressure on Azerbaijan with concrete measures, in order to ensure the immediate and complete removal of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces from the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia.’’

The letter of the MEPs reads as follows: “On November 16, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan launched an attack in along the eastern border of the Republic of Armenia.

As Members of the European Parliament, we condemn the Azerbaijani attack and infiltration into the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia which violates the ceasefire statement of the 9. November 2020 and seriously jeopardizes the fragile peace in the region. The Azerbaijani armed forces must immediately and completely withdraw from the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

We deeply regret the reported human losses as a result of the attack. Any action or rhetoric aimed at undermining the security, the peaceful, normal life and the human rights of the population in the eastern and southern regions of the Republic of Armenia must immediately stop.

We call on the EU External Action Service to use all of its leverage to stop and prevent the violation of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia as well as belligerent rhetoric.”

European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy