You are currently viewing More than 30 Political Groups in Armenia and Artsakh Reject Outcomes of Brussels Meeting and Express Demands
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The Armenian people are deeply concerned about the outcomes announced at the end of the Brussels meeting and the approaches voiced by Nikol Pashinyan in Reykjavik.

Given the current geopolitical situation, the artificial hastening of Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, particularly under pressure and threats, is not in the interests of the Armenian people.


  1. Any negotiation proposal that disregards the right to self-determination and entails the Armenian authorities accepting Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan lacks a legal basis. Such a proposition contradicts various international agreements, including:
      • The UN Charter,
      • Helsinki Final Act, the documents adopted by the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group (the sole internationally recognized format for Artsakh negotiations),
      • The Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Armenia,
      • The Constitution of the Republic of Artsakh.

2. Nikol Pashinyan is neither authorized nor empowered to reach agreements or make promises regarding the Artsakh negotiations and the Armenian-Azerbaijani regulation. The promises he made during the recent parliamentary elections and the government’s plan concerning the Artsakh conflict and the Armenian-Azerbaijani regulation differ significantly from the positions expressed in international forums or official statements.

3. Any communication passing through the territory of the Republic of Armenia that is extraterritorial in nature should be excluded.

4. Immediate withdrawal of Azerbaijani troops from the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh is imperative.

5. The presence of Armenian POWs in Azerbaijani detention centers since November 9, 2020, constitutes a blatant violation of the tripartite statement. Their release is mandatory and should not be subject to negotiations.

6. Any potential dialogue between Baku and Stepanakert should be conducted within an internationally recognized framework and with clear guarantees, based on the equality between the parties, not limited by any imposed agenda. Any other format is unacceptable for the people of Artsakh.

7. The processes of delimitation and demarcation should assure the mutual de-enclavization resulting from the First Artsakh war and prevent the return to enclaves.

8.The international community’s foremost responsibility and mission in the Armenian-Azerbaijani regulation process should be to guarantee the maintenance of the ceasefire, prohibit the use or threat of force, launch an internationally accepted negotiation platform, and propose solutions in accordance with international law.

9. Immediate steps must be taken to unblock and fully reinstate the Berdzor/Lachin Corridor based on the articles outlined in the November 9, 2020 statement.

We, the undersigned, declare that any negotiation outcome conflicting with these principles is unacceptable and does not reflect the interests of Armenians worldwide. Nikol Pashinyan or any other political figure is not authorized to make oral or written promises or undertake obligations deviating from this agenda.



“Armenia” Alliance fraction in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

“I Have Honor” Alliance fraction in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

“Freedom” Party

“National Consensus’’ Party

“National Security” Party

“National Democratic Union” Party

“Yerkir Tsirani” Party

“Heritage” Party

“Intellectual Armenia” Party

“Solidarity” Party

“Homeland” Party

“Armenian Revolutionary Federation” (ARF) Party

Republican Party of Armenia 

Democratic-Liberal Union of Armenia

Democratic Party of Armenia

“United Armenia” Party

“Constitutional Law Union” Party

“Reborn Armenia” Party

“5165 National Conservative Movement” Party



Artsakh Justice Party

“Free Motherland” Party

ARF Artsakh

Democratic Party of Artsakh

“United Civic Alliance” Party

“National Unity” Party

“United Motherland” Party

Artsakh Conservative Party

Artsakh Republican Party

“Movement 88” Party

Communist Party of Artsakh

“National Revival” Party